Starship Bridge Furnishings - 28mm 32mm Printable Scenery Tabletop Scatter Miniatures Terrain Console Starship
Starship Bridge Furnishings - 28mm 32mm Printable Scenery Tabletop Scatter Miniatures Terrain Console Starship
Starship Bridge Furnishings - 28mm 32mm Printable Scenery Tabletop Scatter Miniatures Terrain Console Starship
Starship Bridge Furnishings - 28mm 32mm Printable Scenery Tabletop Scatter Miniatures Terrain Console Starship
Starship Bridge Furnishings - 28mm 32mm Printable Scenery Tabletop Scatter Miniatures Terrain Console Starship

Starship Bridge Furnishings - 28mm 32mm Printable Scenery Tabletop Scatter Miniatures Terrain Console Starship

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“She was a state of the art ship, but having the latest technology is less important than an experienced bridge crew.”

Starship Bridge Furnishings is a great set of furniture for your sci-fi or contemporary tabletop and role-playing games. Perfect for creating operations rooms in your starship, moonbase, or supervillain lair.

Included in the set are: 4 console desks (of three types), 4 swivel chairs, and 1 commander's chair (with interfaces on the armrests). The console desks are curved and cover a 30 degree arc (the 4 in this set make up 1/3 of a circle). They measure approximately 2"x2"x0.5" in 28mm scale (1"x1"x0.33" in 15mm, and 2.25"x2.25"x0.75" in 32mm). The back of the commander's chair is approximately 1" tall in 28mm scale (0.5" in 15mm, and 1.25" in 32mm).

Item comes unpainted in 14 pieces. As with all 3D prints, some finishing with glue may be required.

Pictured item at 28mm scale; 32mm is also an option. Other print resolutions are available and can be used if requested.

This item is part of the Printable Scenery Brave New Worlds Kickstarter. Any of the items from can be printed. Feel free to request anything that you see. Items are commercially licensed from Printable Scenery.

This item takes 1–2 weeks to ship.