Those warriors, who in the fire of battle have permanently merged with their animal totem, be it bear, boar or wolf, were exiled to the forests by their terrified kin. Yet, rumor has it, they have been seen hunting together. The legendary Berkserkir, Svinfylking and Ulfhednar, an unstoppable combination of brute strength, single-minded power and ruthless cunning.
The Shapeshifter Warband features 3 detailed miniatures for your tabletop role-playing and wargames.
Fully assembled, a sample miniature from the set (the berserker at the forefront of the main image) measures approximately:
1.4" x 1.49" x 2.29" in the 28mm scale;
1.6" x 1.7" x 2.62" in 32mm;
2" x 2.13" x 3.27" in 40mm;
and 2.7" x 2.87" x 4.42" in 54mm.
The item comes unpainted in 6 pieces. All items are printed in gray resin at an ultra-high 0.025mm resolution. As with all 3D prints, some finishing may be required.
Custom print sizes and resolutions are available upon request.
Items are commercially licensed from Asgard Rising Miniatures.