“Just a run down shack, off the side of a footpath up in the Rockies. There wasn't even enough room inside to stretch out. Still, better to wake up with muscle cramps than to wake up frozen to death.”
Cooking Shed is a nice building for your western historical or fantasy tabletop and role-playing games. The building measures approximately 1.25"x1.33"x2.34" in the 28mm scale (0.75"x1"x1.25" in 15mm, and 1.33"x1.5"x2.68" in 32mm).
Item comes unpainted in 3 pieces. As with all 3D prints, some finishing may be required. All items are printed in non-toxic PLA filament. Item is printed at a high 0.15mm resolution (and an ultra high 0.1mm resolution for small pieces).
Pictured item is at 28mm scale; 15mm and 32mm are also options. Custom print resolutions are available and can be used if requested.
This item is part of Printable Scenery's Time Warp Kickstarter campaign. Any of the items from Printablescenery.com can be printed. Feel free to request anything that you see.
Items are commercially licensed from Printable Scenery.
This item takes 1–2 weeks to ship.